I love reading and knowing about the human mind. Any opportunity to know thy will take you closer to Thy. In my voyage to know more about myself, I am happy to share my learning when I read Sigmund Freud. This article presents key ideas which will help one to know more about their actions and thinking. If you like to connect on ideas or discuss such a topic with me, please feel free to message me.
- Our everyday mind
Everyday mind or more precisely (every second mind) is your conscious mind. As per Freud, the conscious exists at "superficial level" (or I will call "Maya"), to which we have easy and immediate access. Beneath the conscious mind lies the powerful dimensions of the unconscious. All our active cognitive state and behaviour are dictated by this powerhouse of the unconscious mind.
Every thought originates from your unconscious mind. Not everything becomes consciously known; much of what is unconscious remains there. Memories that are not in our every day working memory, but which have not been repressed reside in a part of the conscious mind that Freud called the "preconscious ". We can bring these memories into conscious awareness at any time.
Freud once said - "The mind is like an iceberg, it floats with one-seventh of its bulk above water " As per Freud, our psyche resembles an iceberg, with the area of primitive drives, the id, lying hidden in the unconscious. The ego deals with conscious thoughts and regulates both the Id and Superego - our critical, judging voice or inner voice.

- Psychic Energy
One of the founders of the 19th century's new physiology. Ernst Brucke claimed that like every other living organisms, the human being is essentially an energy system, and so must abide by the Principle of Conservation of Energy. This law states that the total amount of energy in a system stays constant over time; it cannot be destroyed, only moved or transformed. Freud applied this thinking to mental processes, resulting in the idea of psychic energy. As per him, this energy can undergo modification, transmission and conversion but cannot be destroyed.
The evidence of Past Life Therapy proves the above theory. How a person remember their past life when in deep hypnosis. This subject is not discussed much in mass media but I feel that PLR is true. You can read below 2 prominent research done by renowned medical colleges.
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5797677/
- https://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/docs/default-source/members/sigs/spirituality-spsig/james-pandarakalam-a-search-for-the-truth-of-past-life-regression.pdf?sfvrsn=f5442f17_2
If you know your mind well, you can easily control your anxiety, anger and behavior. Knowing is like flowing with life energy without any repressive thoughts or resentment towards any being.
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