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A Jewish calling Indian a “Militant”

On 12th November, our Prime Minister Shree Narendra Modi started his UK tour and a Jewish who was born in India and settled in UK, famous for controversy, criticise and sued for Paris Queen Vagina artwork is calling “Indians -  a Miltitant” and written his advocacy  on Guardian -  Do you know who this person is? No!!!
Infact,  I also did not know this person before Paris Art controversy. He is none other than Aneesh Kapoor. Now a days, every other person who do not know ABC of Indian culture started abusing India. Why? Because, our PM is Narendra Modi. People of India have chosen him with full majority and if someone will write against our PM, we must raise our voice in support.
Aneesh called Narendra Modi, a Vishnu Avatar but he forgot why Vishnu take avatar. He thinks 500 million minorities are at serious risk. Mr Aneesh, do you really understand how Republic of Democratic India work? Are they seriously at Risk? Is there no one who will save them? Can you quote some number, that how many minorities have been killed since 2014 and also quote the number before 2014. You are far away from Ground reality.
You are not writing a thriller, Aneesh. You must check your fact before calling our PM a human rights violator. Once again, you proved your dumbness. Go and check the ruling of Supreme Court of India.
After reading your advocacy of Green Peace, Teesta, and 9000 NGOs etc. I clearly smell the intention and timing of your article. GoI is not running on emotions or sentiments. If GoI have taken such decisions there must be an evidence and hence they acted. But still they are free to go to court and fight for the justice unlike Taliban.
As far as fear mongering is concerned, you also know who are behind these mongering. Why don’t you go and spent some time in a remote village of India to know the truth first hand.
You are calling people of India who elected a majority government a “Militant”. This prove your little or no knowledge of India or a Hindu or how democracy works in India. You once again prove your love for controversy and your Jewish intentions or I say “Sonia Mata Ki Jai”.


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