In this last post of this year, I would like to share my experience in 2018. At the start of 2018, I had set goals and in this post, I would like to reflect upon those goals. My goals were set on four areas - social, mental, physical and spiritual level.
So in 2019, I would like to contact my family and friends every week. I visited my friends and family here in the United Kingdom, also invited friends and family in our birthday and anniversary celebration.
I was also very active on social media mainly Facebook, Twitter ( and LinkedIn (
In 2019, I will continue my activeness on Social media and will also organize friend and family get together.
In 2018, professionally I connected with a new colleague during our social parties - annual party and client team party.
In 2019, I will increase my networking on the professional front.
I also continued my monthly charity in 2018 and it will be continued in 2019.
In 2018, I spent a satisfactory time with my wife and children. We visited Scotland and London.
We played cricket, football and badminton and a few indoor games such as Ludo, Chess, Uno and Game of Life.
This year I purchased Nintendo for my kids and I also learn how to play Fortnite (most popular game of 2018) with them. I am still a noob and my son is a pro (he had 2 victory royale)
This year my daughter appeared for her 11 plus exams and I tutored her for 45 days (daily). She passed her 11 Plus exams with A+ grade. She was very happy with her results.
She started her secondary school and also got her first phone (an IPhone 5s). She was very happy about it. I regularly tutored my kids - mainly in math and science.
I always teach my kids to give their best and don't think much about the outcome. The outcome depends on how much effort we have put in any work.
In 2019, I want to spend more quality time (at least 60 mins daily and 4 hrs on weekend) with my growing kids and my wife. I want to tutor them at least 3 times a week in 2019.
Learning - I learned a lot about machine learning and python. Apart from that I also renewed my PMP credentials and underwent numerous management training. The list of online training attended are given below:
Build a chatbot using Dialogflow and Facebook messenger. You can access these chatbots using following links
I quit smoking in May 2018, stopped eating any meat products (chicken, mutton) except egg and fish, and stopped drinking (only once in a year).
In 2018, 290 hrs was spent on physical exercise - walking (200 hrs), weight lifting, cardio, jogging (90 hrs).
Since I quit smoking, I found following benefits. These benefits are tracked using Smoke Free App.
442.68£ saved
60 days of life regained
78 hrs saved
Pulse rate returns to Normal
Oxygen Level return to Normal
CO (Carbon Monoxide) eliminated from my body
100% nicotine expelled from my body
My Taste and Smell greatly improved
My breathing is now easier
My energy level is very high
Bad breath due to smoking gone
Tooth staining and calculus build-up completely stopped
The blood circulation in my teeth and gums are now normal
My gum texture and color returned back to normal
My coughing and wheezing is also reduced
I reduced my risk of heart disease to 64% and Lung Cancer to 6%
I also spent ~200 hrs on Spiritual listening. I listened to Geeta Darshan by Osho. I will recommend this to all my friends and followers who understand Hindi.
This year I also published a book on new age spirituality. The book name is "How to rise from Zero to Hero". This is a short book full of wisdom and I really feel happy about my creation.
Apart from publishing a book, I also created following video on new age spirituality.
Although I achieved 50% of my goal set in 2018 still I am very much satisfied with 2018 goal achievement.
For 2019, I will set a reasonable number of goals on four fronts - social, mental, physical and spiritual and will give my best to make 2019 an excellent year for me and our world.
How was your's 2018 and what you are planning to do in 2019? Please leave your comments. If you need any help in setting your goals for 2019, please feel free to message me. I will be very happy to help you.
I would also like to wish you and your family A very Happy and Prosperous New Year 2019.🍾🍾🍾🍾
God bless you and your family!
On the social front, my goal was to connect regularly with my family and friends. I was in touch with my family and friends but only every 3 months.So in 2019, I would like to contact my family and friends every week. I visited my friends and family here in the United Kingdom, also invited friends and family in our birthday and anniversary celebration.
I was also very active on social media mainly Facebook, Twitter ( and LinkedIn (
In 2019, I will continue my activeness on Social media and will also organize friend and family get together.
In 2018, professionally I connected with a new colleague during our social parties - annual party and client team party.
In 2019, I will increase my networking on the professional front.
I also continued my monthly charity in 2018 and it will be continued in 2019.
In 2018, I spent a satisfactory time with my wife and children. We visited Scotland and London.
We played cricket, football and badminton and a few indoor games such as Ludo, Chess, Uno and Game of Life.
This year I purchased Nintendo for my kids and I also learn how to play Fortnite (most popular game of 2018) with them. I am still a noob and my son is a pro (he had 2 victory royale)
This year my daughter appeared for her 11 plus exams and I tutored her for 45 days (daily). She passed her 11 Plus exams with A+ grade. She was very happy with her results.
She started her secondary school and also got her first phone (an IPhone 5s). She was very happy about it. I regularly tutored my kids - mainly in math and science.
I always teach my kids to give their best and don't think much about the outcome. The outcome depends on how much effort we have put in any work.
In 2019, I want to spend more quality time (at least 60 mins daily and 4 hrs on weekend) with my growing kids and my wife. I want to tutor them at least 3 times a week in 2019.
The mental front in 2018 was very good. I continued my reading, writing and learning habits. This year I completed following reading & learning:Learning - I learned a lot about machine learning and python. Apart from that I also renewed my PMP credentials and underwent numerous management training. The list of online training attended are given below:
- Data Science Essentials: Creating Interactive Plots
- Introduction to Machine Learning and Supervised Learning
- Supervised Learning Models
- Unsupervised Learning
- Neural Networks
- Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks
- Applying Machine Learning
- Motivating Your Employees
- Communicating Vision to Your Employees
- Leading through Positive Influence
- Leveraging Emotional Intelligence
- Plan and Define Project Scope (PMBOK® Guide Sixth Edition)
- Create Work Breakdown Structure (PMBOK® Guide Sixth Edition)
- Validate and Control Scope (PMBOK® Guide Sixth Edition)
- Positive Atmosphere: Establishing a Positive Work Environment
- Positive Atmosphere: How Organizational Learning Drives Positive Change
- Becoming an Inspirational Leader
- Assessing Your Own Leadership Performance
- Keeping Top Performers Challenged
- Planning an Effective Performance Appraisal
- Creating a Plan for Performance Management
- Detecting and Dealing with Performance Problems
- Thinking Strategically as a Manager
- Using Strategic Thinking to Consider the Big Picture
- Encouraging Team Communication and Collaboration
- Beyond Change: Working with Agility
- Rapport Building in Customer Service
- Positive Atmosphere: Establishing an Engaged Workforce
- Python Developer Course
Reading - This year I read the following books
- Mastering Machine Learning with Python in Six Steps: A Practical Implementation Guide to Predictive Data Analytics Using Python
- Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Guide
- Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance
- A Brief History of Time
- The Longevity Project
- The teachings of Ramana Maharshi
- The trinity of Lights
- The power of Gems and Crystals
- The world book of Happiness
Writing - This year I also devoted time in writing. I have written 12 articles on LinkedIn about my ideas.
- IDEA 1: A wearing device (#IOT #AI ) which will record your word & will make you happy
- IDEA 2 – Let’s create an #education & #entertainment box for #people living below #poverty line
- IDEA 3 - A #Smart Window to your #Soul – A true #entertainment #window
- Idea 4 - A smart device for your sense - SmartEar
- Idea 5 - AI enabled bot for automated test
- Idea 6 A #Professional #Service #NurseRobot for #Kids and #Elderly
- Idea 7 - Need for AINA - an AI Powered News Analyzer
- Idea 8 – An #Internet of #Species (IOS) enabling #AI – (DEKHO #ecosystem)
- IDEA 9 – An intelligent #companion #robot to safeguard us from psychological theft - PSYCHYAN
- Idea 10 – How you can prevent yourself from #crime – what about CPR (#Crime #Prevention #Robocop)
- Idea 11- What is the #rating of my #policestation (RateYourPoliceStation)
- Idea 12 – MEDROID – Improving #health by minimizing #medicines side effects
I also build following sites and bots (new skills):
Build a progressive web app using Polymer 3.0. I build a news website called using polymer 3.0. This is a #PWA webapp and can work offline after first use using the internet.Build a chatbot using Dialogflow and Facebook messenger. You can access these chatbots using following links
- Happiness Bot -
- Mr Wellness -
- Bihar News Bot -
Physical Front ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Wellness is always my goal for each year. 2018 was very good in terms of physical fitness and living a healthy lifestyle. The year 2018 was very important and historic for me.I quit smoking in May 2018, stopped eating any meat products (chicken, mutton) except egg and fish, and stopped drinking (only once in a year).
In 2018, 290 hrs was spent on physical exercise - walking (200 hrs), weight lifting, cardio, jogging (90 hrs).
Since I quit smoking, I found following benefits. These benefits are tracked using Smoke Free App.
442.68£ saved
60 days of life regained
78 hrs saved
Pulse rate returns to Normal
Oxygen Level return to Normal
CO (Carbon Monoxide) eliminated from my body
100% nicotine expelled from my body
My Taste and Smell greatly improved
My breathing is now easier
My energy level is very high
Bad breath due to smoking gone
Tooth staining and calculus build-up completely stopped
The blood circulation in my teeth and gums are now normal
My gum texture and color returned back to normal
My coughing and wheezing is also reduced
I reduced my risk of heart disease to 64% and Lung Cancer to 6%
Spiritual Front ⭐⭐⭐⭐
On Spiritual front, 2018 was good. I continued with my daily meditation and also published my motivational videos. In 2018 I meditated 240 hrs approx. Due to my meditation, I increased my calmness and satisfaction level. In 2018 I had shown anger and aggressiveness in few instances. The target for 2019 is to maintain and improve more on my calmness and show no anger or aggression.I also spent ~200 hrs on Spiritual listening. I listened to Geeta Darshan by Osho. I will recommend this to all my friends and followers who understand Hindi.
This year I also published a book on new age spirituality. The book name is "How to rise from Zero to Hero". This is a short book full of wisdom and I really feel happy about my creation.
Apart from publishing a book, I also created following video on new age spirituality.
For 2019, I will set a reasonable number of goals on four fronts - social, mental, physical and spiritual and will give my best to make 2019 an excellent year for me and our world.
How was your's 2018 and what you are planning to do in 2019? Please leave your comments. If you need any help in setting your goals for 2019, please feel free to message me. I will be very happy to help you.
I would also like to wish you and your family A very Happy and Prosperous New Year 2019.🍾🍾🍾🍾
God bless you and your family!
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