When I heard the news of suicide bombing on CRPF convoy on Valentine's day, I felt the rage inside me. Our 40 plus soldier were dead within a fraction of minute due to 350 KG IED suicide blast.
The rage is still live in me and I thought to channelize my rage by penning down my anger via this article.
To understand the current attack, we first have to visit the past incidents where IED is being used by Maoist and now in Kashmir. Maoist used IED as their main weapon against CRPF. IED is really killing our CRPF men. The government has even set up an Institute of IED Management (IIM), Central Reserve Police Force, India which is doing research on preventing IED blasts on our forces. But still, we are far away from preventing such cowardice attack on security forces. I found some good suggestion from Sukma Attack on CRPF Jawans using IED. Suggestions picked from above link make full sense:
- Directly countering the proliferation of IEDs
- Strategic research team dedicated to IEDs
- Ramping up R&D on counter-IED equipment
In 2018, Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) director general Rajeev Rai Bhatnagar already told that Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) were the new threat to Jammu and Kashmir. You can read the whole story here.
Total IED blasts as per the above article in 2018 in Kashmir was 3 (till June).
Apart from that our agencies also busted IED module in Ramnagri area of Shopian. I tried to find the investigation report but not able to find what SSP Shopian Sandeep Chaudhary finally concluded. You can track this news of IED Module busting on below source:
Moreover, before yesterday's blast, there was a blast reported from a Pulwama school on 13th Feb 2019 as well.
Jammu and Kashmir: #Visuals from the hospital where students who have been injured in an explosion in a Pulwama school, are being treated. pic.twitter.com/xvJOBEuiF4— ANI (@ANI) February 13, 2019
In spite of IED reporting and module busting from the valley, why our investigation agencies did not become more alert after these incidents?
Many unanswered questions in my mind.!
Many unanswered questions in my mind.!
To carry out this attack 3 things were used -
- A brainwashed suicide bomber
- a car (to collide against moving or stationary target)
- an IED
Out of these 3 components, IED was the most important. Without IED, 1 and 2 were not efficient or like a toothless tiger.
IED is a very lethal and cheap option to be used by terrorists and Maoists. So, Is there a link between Maoists and Kashmir Terrorists? Probably Yes, because Maoists are using IED since long and now are an expert in procuring and assembling them. They should also be investigated as part of the full network.
Also what actions were taken after IED Module busting in Shopian?
There were many unanswered questions and finger will be pointed at the failure of our agencies mainly RAW, IB and DIA.
RAW report directly to our Prime Minister and hence finger will also be pointed to PM who is accountable for RAW operations and inputs.
IB reports to the Home Ministry, hence Home Minister is also accountable.
DIA reports into Defense Minister and hence Defense Minister is also accountable.
I know that the Indian Government will take muscular actions and our PM have even announced a free hand to our forces but before this attack, were they not given a free hand? What our intelligence agencies were doing?
The BJP manifesto mentions the solution of Kashmir by changing its Demographic (resettling Kashmiri Pandits) and also revisiting Article 370. Now the question comes, Will Kashmiri Pandit will settle in Kashmir? Many Kashmiris were already settled outside valley since 1989. Then how many Kashmiri Pandit will settle in the valley and what impact will it have in its demography change.
Kashmir is cancer given by Congress government since 1947 and the biggest policy failure of Late PM Rajiv Gandhi.
Some of the questions which I asked while writing this article are:
Does Narendra Modi lack the political will to solve the Kashmir crisis? If no, then What is his Kashmir Policy without Pakistan and with Kashmiris (who are now mostly Islamic)?
I do not think that he or BJP lack political will to resolve Kashmir.
Looking at BJP manifesto, the solution is proposed as:
- Change the demography of Kashmir Valley (Settle Kashmiris Pandits and allow people from another state to purchase property and settled in Kashmir)
- Zero tolerance for Terrorism ( this is already underway with Operation All Out, where hardcore youth terrorists are being neutralized by Indian Security forces)
We should also include a third solution which will stop the manufacturing of new terrorists.
The solution lies in the use of Technology.
The solution lies in the use of Technology.
- We should restrict websites and internet in the Kashmir valley.
- We should scrutinize the videos which were used to brainwash youth.
- We should triple our spending on education and infrastructure in Kashmir.
- We should do politics of development rather than politics of division.
Why this attack on 14th Feb 2019, on the last day Parliament under Narendra Modi government?
This is a very political question and we must try to find an answer for it. The date of this deadly attack is very important. Who is conspiring against India? Is there a big force who want to halt the development of India for their political and power benefit? If there is a force, then I am damn sure, our agencies and PM were not sleeping in dark. RAW must have briefed our PM about the dangers from within and from outside. If PM and our NSA were or are aware of conspiracy against nation, then what they were or are waiting for? Are they waiting for another blast?
If my memory is right, our NSA said in one of his speech that if Pakistan does another 26/11 type attack on India then Pakistan will lose Balochistan.
So my question to NSA, what is their definition of 26/11 type attack? Did URI and Pulwama not fit into that definition?
I do not know the answer but I know one thing - human lives are precious and a soldier lives are even more precious. The reason is obvious, they are living to die for our safety and security.
Only time and events which will be unfolded in the next 2 weeks will provide an answer to many of my questions and of similar questions in Indian minds.
Events in Kashmir
2017 Attack Stats in Kashmir:
Timeline of 2017 attacks
31 December 2017: Three Jaish militants staged a fidayeen attack on CRPF camp at Lethpora in Pampore leaving five troopers dead.
03 October 2017: Jaish militants carried out fidayeen attack on a BSF camp near the highly secured Srinagar International Airport. A BSF officer was killed while three others sustained injuries.
16 August 2017: Eight government forces including four CRPF troopers were killed when fidayeen stormed District Police Lines Pulwama.
16 June 2017: Six Policemen including station house officer were killed in militant attack in Achabal Anatnag
27 April 2017: In a fidayeen attack by militants, three army soldiers and two militants were killed at Panjgaon in Kupwara’s Chowkibal
23 February 2017: Three troopers and were killed after militants attacked a patrolling party at Mulu Chitragam in Shopian.

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