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How to enjoy Urban world?

Last week I was reading Joyful from writer Ingrid Fetell Lee. I am happy to share some insights which I learn after reading Joyful. Before I begin I first want to introduce you to Fetell Lee.

Ingrid Fetell Lee is a designer and the founder of the blog The Aesthetics of Joy.

Although I am not a designer. I really loved the concepts and idea in her book.  You too can find Joy in everything -  be it nature, your office space, office building, tube station, park, museum, your own home, trees, urban setup etc.
What she emphasized in her book Joyful is to observe the day to day things and find joy in it.
  • You can enjoy the beauty of lined up trees of the same size on the sideway walk.
  • Enjoy the trimmed grasses on your lawn or in the park
  • Look at the shape of different tiles along the pavement
  • See the grandeur design of open space in public places such as Train Station, Airport, Museums, Aquarium etc.
  • When at home, notice how your home interior is structured - TV, Sofa, Bed etc
  • Find peace when you look at high rise building of different shape making Skyline
In this book - Joyful - tips w.r.t improving home atmosphere were also suggested. 
  • keeping your home clutter-free for the free flow of energy
  • do not block your living area
  • do not block entry and exit area of your house
  • Keep bright colours selection for your home
The key message in the book is to enjoy what you see when you are outside or when you are at home. Enjoy the textures, colours, patterns - symmetrical or asymmetrical and feel joyful.
The message is so profound because we hardly notice these outside things as we have been taught to find joy inside. But real Joy lies in enjoying everything which comes to our observation.

Always find joy at things which is near us and enjoy the beauty of both outside and inside world.


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